
Poor Leadership Chronicles: CEO's Endless Replies to Critical Glassdoor Reviews Causes Employee Exodus

Glassdoor is one of the few services regular people have left to help them fight against exploitation from bad bosses and evil corporations. Typically, employees can use Glassdoor to share their salaries, and leave reviews on their company and superiors.

 But while a growing number of employers are doctoring their reviews to save face, one CEO is fighting them tooth and nail; angry business owner Yelp review style.

 As shared on Reddit, this tech startup CEO has flamed multiple former employees for being unproductive, and unappreciative. Perhaps if he focused more time on fostering a positive work environment, he wouldn't need to spend it raging on Glassdoor.


Glassdoor is one of the few services regular people have left to help them fight against exploitation from bad bosses and evil corporations. Typically, employees can use Glassdoor to share their salaries, and leave reviews on their company and superiors.

But while a growing number of employers are doctoring their reviews to save face, one CEO is fighting them tooth and nail; angry business owner Yelp review style.

As shared on Reddit, this tech startup CEO has flamed multiple former employees for being unproductive, and unappreciative. Perhaps if he focused more time on fostering a positive work environment, he wouldn't need to spend it raging on Glassdoor.


In this post, they exposed the employees real identity.

Categories: Wtf Facepalm Fail

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