
Aggravated Politician Lets a Secret Slip Out While Dealing with Trolls on Twitter

Troll's having some fun with a candidate for Australian office lead to a shocking realization about his past.


He was one of the ‘Pinkenba Six’ – a group of police officers who were charged with kidnap in 1994. The group had taken three indigenous youths from a Brisbane suburb and driven them to bush land seven miles away. The boy’s shoes were taken and one officer allegedly threatened to cut off their fingers. The case caused an outcry within the indigenous community but the officers escaped punishment after a judge ruled the boys went voluntarily. But he was wrong saying he has no skeletons left in the closet as he dropped out of the race for office after being exposed sending death threats to an employee and other stuff that I just can't manage to share with you cause they're appalling.

Categories: Creepy Politics

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