
Passenger Sharts Their Pants Halfway through Flight

It can't get much worse than this.

Airports are fickle creatures as-is. Is your flight on time? Are you going to make it through security? People cracking beers at 9am. It's an absolute madhouse. The rules of society don't really apply when you're flying somewhere.

With that in mind, just imagine adding the chaos of accidentally sharting your pants in the middle of your flight. My goodness. I would probably just have a panic attack. Well that's exactly what happened to this Redditor. After ingesting what seemed like a delicious parfait, they started feeling the rumble about half way through their flight. Not ideal.

As this passenger was trying to make it to the plane bathroom. It was evident that they were already too late. The damage was done. NOW WHAT?

2 hours into a 4-hour flight and the entire plane knows that you just soiled your pants. And think of the smell. I'm going to let the Redditor tell the story from here, because I can go no further.
Categories: Eww Facepalm Cringe Wtf> Gross

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