
Pictures of Laura Loomer Before and After The Nose Job

Laura Loomer has won her primary in Florida's 21st Congressional District and will face Rep. Lois Frankel for the seat in November. Loomer who has long been banned from Twitter has been an outspoken far-right figure, who has on many ocassions complained about Muslim Uber Drivers and encouraged the deaths of migrants.


Laura Loomer wearing a red Maga hat and a blue dress pre nose job surgery

Laura Loomer might be going to Congress, which means if she does, she'll probably be coming back to Twitter as well. If you're not familiar with the Loomer, she once chained herself to Twitter's offices in New York. And was later banned from using Uber after tweets racist things about "Muslim drivers".


laura loomer nose surgery - looms93 Manhattan, New York looms93 Today was a wonderful day. I had my nasal bandages taken off and I was able to see my New Nose. I Love It So Much! I never thought there would come a day when I'd say

But what most people don't know is the Laura Loomer, is that she's had a nose job.



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