
Pics of Rudy Giuliani in Borat 2 Surface

It's a big week for dudes pulling their d**ks out and we've got everything you need to know. The former mayor of New York City, makes an appearance in Borat 2, and can be seen here in screenshots, laying back in a bed and reaching into his pants.


Rudy Giuliani makes an appearance in Sacha Baron Cohen's, Borat 2 sequel, 'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm', that premiers this Friday on Amazon. Pictures of the former mayor have begun surfacing and they don't paint a great picture.


According to The Guardian, the scene in question features Borat and Maria Bakalova, the actress playing Borat's 15-year-old daughter interviewing Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani for a fake conservative news outlet. When the interview ends, Giuliani and Bakalova, go back to her room for a drink, upon her suggestion, and when she removes her mic, he leans back on the bed and puts his hand down his pants, before Borat jumps out and surprises him.


The film, Borat 2 or Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, is out this Friday if you feel the need to investigate for yourself. We doubt many people will be laughing along with Borat this time around. Whatever happened to people laughing at themselves? Imagine if Borat the original came out today? At least back then people knew how to take a joke. And as to Rudy reaching down his pants, we can't say for certain it was a good play or a bad play, well have to wait and see the clips. But I think we can all agree he's got some serious Penguin vibes going on in these screenshots.



In his defense Rudy said he was tucking in his shirt. I can hear George saying, "It was a TUCk, it was a TUCK'.


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