
Dude Cheats on Significant Other, Finds Out Karma Is Real

This dude totally got what was coming to him. One hundred percent.

This story comes to us from the subreddit, Petty Revenge. Just a quick question before we start. Is it really considered 'petty' when your significant other cheats on you, so you call the girl he's cheating with and tell her about your relationship, and force him to break it off, but then dump him the second he does? I dunno, I'm just asking for a friend.

Jokes aside, that's exactly what happens to the OP in this story. It turns out her significant other was running an entirely different life on the side. And his mistress thought that SHE was the side chick. So what better way to get back at this dude than with a little petty revenge. And then posting the story to Reddit, only to have it go viral for good measure. Slow claps all around.


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