
Dude's Disgusting Roommate Wont Stop Pooping in the Shower

Most people have been forced to live with a shitty roommate for one reason or another, but have you ever lived with a shitty roommate? That's the problem u/stereotypicalst is currently dealing with, since he can't seem to get his housemate Willam to stop leaving shit stains all over the shower. 

"I'm trying to be patient with you, but this is the second time I found shit in the shower," he texted Willam. "You need to buy toilet paper and use it."

Venting in the r/badroommates subreddit, stereotypicalst has made numerous posts about the allegedly 525 pound man, including photos of his filthy mattress, and videos of him cursing loudly in his room under the caption, 'psycho mode activated.' Still, stereotypicalst doesn't want too much hate flung Willam's way. "He's not a bad guy, his temper is just off the charts when something goes wrong." 

Willam also apparently snores loudly, cooks at inopportune times and hasn't changed the battery in his smoke detector, but those issues are secondary. Unfortunately, stereotypicalst is in the process of gaining disability status from a head injury, and lacks the funds or the energy to move immediately. He also wrote that their landlord's mother is dying, and wants to avoid bringing any issues to him until that has been dealt with. 

But just because this sounds like a perfect storm of shitty life situations, doesn't mean stereotypicalst should have to put up with a shitty roommate, and shitty shower. 




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