People Reveal What Happened after Sleeping with Their Best Friend
Thanks to AskReddit, we've compiled some of most intriguing stories and revelations about what happens when you and your best friend end up sleeping together.
Whether you think it's a good idea or a bad idea, the fact is that sleeping with your best friend has an effect on the relationship. From getting married, to never talking again, here's what the internet has to say about the subject.

I hated doing it with her because she said, "you are like a brother to me!" after doing it. -aldrin2111

Best friends for 8 years, she and I figured out we had feelings. Had sex, started dating immediately after. She got breast cancer 1.5 years into dating. Didn’t skip a beat, and happily married my best friend. Got to find out what true love really is. She passed away in December. I miss my best friend. -tubzmcflubz76

What happened is: I wanted more and fell totally in love with her. She didn’t and thought it was a mistake. We tried staying friends, she became distant, I became weird. She decided that we shouldn’t see each other any more. At all. -Grin-Guy
Nothing. We're still best friends. Then again we've known each other for years and dated before we were friends. So we hooked up a few times here and there. We don't sleep together anymore. But, yeah, nothing changed. -Ok_Relationship_705
We both agreed that we miss that spark, even though we really love each other. So we’re back to being best friends! Communication, respect and honesty goes a long way. -FewEbb6531
We had gotten drunk to celebrate me getting into med school, and 8 years of repressed sexual tension just poured out in a single night. The next 3 days, we were both in a panicked daze. I thought I had lost my best friend for the best sex of my life, and I couldn't stop thinking it wasn't worth it.
The sex was mind blowing, but no one made me feel as safe or as happy and I would trade anything to keep that. He asked would it really be so crazy if we tried dating? We moved in together a month later. We've been together now for 7 years, got engaged. Saving up for a house and wedding. He's still my best friend. -LexicalCat
I dated her, helped deliver her daughter, raised her daughter as mine, and don’t regret it. Bought a house, moved in together, she began hating being a mother & staying at home all the time, started cheating with coworkers, got exposed by her 2 year old daughter “please don’t even ask how”, I packed my shit & left immediately.
Now she makes TikToks about how shitty I am to this day. Yet the only thing I miss about that relationship, is being a father to that baby. -Duhcisive
Best friends for 7 years, and we both just went through really nasty breakups where we were cheated on. Ended up having sex when he came over at like 4 am one night. We ended up sleeping together daily for weeks after that. I ended up pregnant, and to be honest, I was terrified. I wasn’t sure if he’d be willing to stick around given the circumstances.
Turns out he was excited, having a family was all he ever wanted. We didn’t start dating immediately, I didn’t want us to be together solely for the fact that we were having a baby. I wanted to make sure there was an actual connection there. In October, after months of basically living together, we made it official. Baby boy is due any day now, and we couldn’t be any happier. Having him come over that night in June was the best decision I ever made. -m859ckles
We'd usually just do best friend stuff afterwards, smoke weed, get drive through, watch a stupid movie. -agingercow
I lost my virginity to my best friend back in 2006. We drifted apart afterwards and I think about it a lot. -pissfilledbottles