
People Are Boycotting Chevron After Peaceful Transition of Power Tweet

Hell hath frozen over! Trump loyalists attack Chevron after the company tweeted out a message for the controversial opinion of maintaining democracy through the peaceful transition of power. There is nothing you can tell these people to convince them out of their cult mentality.


trump tweet wacko - Chevron Chevron We call for the peaceful transition of the U.S. government. The violence in Washington, D.C. tarnishes a twocentury tradition of respect for the rule of law. We look forward to engaging with PresidentElect Biden and his

Never let a good crisis go to waste. At least that what the heads of PR and Marketing firms believe anyway. And well, in true 'we're just like you' fashion, Chevron tweeted out their support for the peaceful transition of power, the very foundation of which American democracy rests. And yeah we can dunk on Chevron for it, but that's too easy. What's hard is driving an extra few miles to fill up on Shell because your favorite brand of gas is run by 'Leftists'.


punk definition - Mindy Robinson Thank God there are so many other gas station options...because I will never Ever patronize yours again. Twitter for iPhone

LOL! This is your brain when you belong to a CULT. Okay, Mindy, no one cares.


organization - PresidentElect Angel X and I'm not buying Chevron gas anymore! Twitter Web App 4 28

"I'm a child and I make decisions based on my fragile emotions!"



So Chevron is a local gas station?


Or they're globalist's enemies? Either way, it is nice seeing the other side stand up against Big Oil, no matter how ill-concieved.


Oh, and Chevron wasn't the only one to raise support for our democratic institutions. Bill Cosby took a moment to address the country as well.


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