'Owning 7 Dildos in Texas' and 24 Other Victimless Crimes
Some states and countries have the most ridiculous laws. They were written in a different time, but in today's terms, they are totally victimless and should be changed. Over at r/AskReddit they discussed some of the most absurd victimless crimes. Maybe leave your 7th dildo at home if you're traveling to Texas.

I can take a seed at home, put rain water on it and expose it to sunlight, dry the flowers, bake them into a cake and make some THC edibles, and it doesn't even harm the air quality due to smoking. That's a crime. No money goes to criminal gangs, and I would risk losing my job and going to prison. u/MakeLoafNotWar
Owning 7 dildos in Texas. I would pay to see the deliberation that led to the decision that owning 6 dildos is fine, but 7 is a crime. u/JukeboxCrowdPleaser
TONS of blue laws. basically antiquated laws on the books that have to do with religion (mostly on sundays). In my state you can't buy alcohol on sunday before noon. And car dealers are not allowed to be open on sunday. Basically they are designed to not compete with church attending times like early morning. u/dirtymoney
Emulating and/or pirating a game that is no longer available by any means. u/A_Mirabeau_702
assisting the suicide of a terminally ill person in unrelenting pain…in most jurisdictions in the world. u/Bat_cunt
Picking up a bird feather found on the ground and keeping it. It's technically against the migratory bird laws. u/Fortunately_Met
Assuming you take care of them well and have the space for it, keeping farm animals in a residential neighborhood. Not illegal everywhere, but it certainly is in my city! u/Outside_Performer_66