Our Amazing World: 22 Interesting Images and Fascinating Sights
Cool photos and pictures from the amazing world we live on. There is no shortage of amazing discoveries and sights to see, if you can't just hop on a plane and go explore the world, then take a virtual field trip with round-up of great photographs.
Thousands of years ago, the Inuit and Yupik people of Alaska and northern Canada carved narrow slits into ivory, antler, and wood to create the world's first snow goggles. This diminished exposure to direct and reflected ultraviolet rays—thereby reducing eye strain and preventing snow blindness.
A parasite called Cymothoa Exigua. It enters through a fish's gills, eat their tongue, and then replaces it.
In 1882, William Jennings snapped the very first photo of lightning ever to be taken. Although not the most impressive image of the power of nature, it was certainly a historic moment for photography in general.
Patient was struck by lightning and knocked out. When he came to, his metal neck chain and locket had burned into his skin.
Lobster in a bucket looks like a gigantic monster on a metallic planet, and the water droplets look like stars.
What the pyramid of Khafre looked like 4,500 years ago compared to today. The pyramids of Giza were originally covered with highly polished white limestones, with the capstones at the peak being covered in gold.
The former North Korea embassy in Kuala Lumpur appears to be turned into a daycare center. NK lost their Malaysian embassy after the assassination of Kim Jong Un's brother.
1,500-year-old Mayan ceramic figurine with removable helmet, from El Peru Vaca, Petén, Guatemala.