
One Man's Epic Struggle Against A Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

Any pizza can be a personal pizza if you believe in yourself.


"My wife is interviewing people to join her practice today during an ophthalmological conference in Chicago. I came up from Atlanta with her to enjoy Chi-Town. . I decided to get some famous Giordano's pizza for lunch. In order to get the stuffed deep dish, you wait 45 minutes for the thing to cook. I opted for the Chicago Classic..."


He soon realized the struggle that lay before him...


He later added "I have just removed to final slice of he pie and placed it on my plate. The waitress looks concerned and a bit disgusted. She offered me a box and I vehemently expressed that it would not be necessary. My face is tingling. I have just googled what this could be a symptom of. Typing is difficult as my hands are starting to tingle too."



The last entry was "The waitress looks concerned. The table of four people next to me just ordered a box for the remaining slices of the same size pizza I just ate alone. This is the single greatest accomplishment of my life. Alone. In a relatively vacant restaurant an hour bike ride south of Chicago city center, I have overcome all odds. If only one person reads this and is inspired by it, my sacrifice is worth it. I love you all. If my heart stops beating on my bike ride back into Chicago, my last breath will whisper, "Delicious," across space and time to reach pizza lovers across the globe.

Categories: Ftw

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