
‘You May Now Move about the Cabin’: Obnoxious Seat Neighbor Has His Shoes Tied to His Seat

If you have ever flown on a commercial airplane, you have almost certainly experienced some of the annoying and less pleasant aspects of air travel. From crying babies to the passenger who gets up a million times during the flight, to having little to no personal space for 6 hours, just to name a few.

In this instance, a passenger on a trip was seated in front of a pair of half-drunk, obnoxious passengers who pushed him to the very edge of his patience.

After a demanding week of work abroad, this guy was anticipating a (albeit long) peaceful flight to relax and maybe catch some sleep.

The adult passengers behind him were kicking his chair, laughing loudly, and shoving their baggage into his foot space. He had no choice but to take matters into his own hands and decided on a prank right out of a looney tunes episode to exact his petty revenge.


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