
NYPD Deletes Photo of Seized Diapers and Formula After Getting Roasted By Twitter

The NYPD posted and then later deleted a tweet showing three offices standing next to a table of stolen goods seized during an investigation. However, the photo did not land as they had intended it would.


screenshot - Police Department Nypd News After receiving numerous larceny complaints in the Bronx, officers from the recently arrested 12 individuals ing an enforcement initiative targeting shoplifters. The arrests made led to the closure of 23 warrants &

Here is the now-deleted post shared by NYPD News on Twitter which depicted officers standing around a table of stolen and seized goods. Usually, these photos show officers standing around bags of drugs, or pipes, boasting of their catch, but this picture, showing officers standing next to a table of diapers, formula, and bandaids, didn't sit right with most people.


angle - Nypd 44th Precinct The 44th Pct Special Ops conducted a very thorough operation at the local Rite Aid. We were able to recover $1,800 in merchandise, closed 22 warrants, by arrested 12 ppl. We were also able to apprehend an individual that was wan

Here is another post referencing the same "bust", but without the image. And while we aren't here to defend stealing, it's a pretty bad look from the NYPD.


screenshot - traffic accelerationist| Officer Benitez, on the left has over 35 allegations of misconduct and settlements that have cost the city over $. this shit. 50a.orgofficer9049 Nypd News 2h After receiving numerous larceny complaints in the Bronx, o

And many, many people pointed this out. One Twitter user was quick to point out that one of the officers in the picture has been subject to over 35 allegations of misconduct, which cost the department more than 300k dollars in damages. But here he is, standing next to a table of diapers. Do you know how many diapers you can buy with that much money? It's a lot.



And many, many people pointed this out. One Twitter user was quick to point out that one of the officers in the picture has been subject to over 35 allegations of misconduct, which cost the department more than 300k dollars in damages. But here he is, standing next to a table of diapers. Do you know how many diapers you can buy with that much money? It's a lot.


A close-up of the haul shows us what exactly these criminals were selling. Diapers, soaps, and other daily essentials.


Again, this isn't about crime or theft, and people aren't made because the NYPD "busted" some ring of thieves, but it just shows how out of touch the NYPD is with reality. Because I don't know about you, but people stealing diapers are not running some underground diaper ring, most likely they are using those diapers, for you know, their children.


And the only reason we know the NYPD also agrees with us is that they deleted the post. because it's pretty hard to look tough when you're standing next to a table of diapers and formula.




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