New Alibi Witness in "Serial" Case Might Change Everything For 15-Years-Imprisoned Man

Adnan Syed was convicted of the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, in 1999. He's been in prison for more than 15 years. The thing is, he might not have done it.

The case was flimsy. As the hit podcast series "Serial" covered, there wasn't definitive proof that Adnan did it; strong feelings and indications that seemed fishy for Adnan's case--but nothing that brought the prosecution's case above reasonable doubt.

Some people are trying to get Adnan out of prison. It's a difficult task, especially without extremely compelling proof of his innocence ...which it seems they now have.
A former classmate of Adnan's, Asia McClain, just published an affidavit asserting that she was with Adnan in the public library during the exact time that the murder took place.
McClain also wrote in her affidavit that the prosecutor, Kevin Urick, convinced her to not participate in the appeals process.
McClain said she didn't come forward sooner because--for years--she figured that the prosecution's case must have been much stronger than to hinge on whether he was at the library at that specific time. The Serial podcast convinced her otherwise.