
'My Octopus Teacher' On Netflix, Is Tentacle Erotica

Have you seen My Octopus Teacher? The new Netflix documentary, about a man who spends more than a year befriending an octopus. Well turns out is might not be as wholesome as you thought.


If you haven't already seen My Octopus Teacher on Netflix, go watch it. Okay cool, now that you've done that, lets examine this, at times beautiful and touching, documentary about a middle aged man who, through his love of diving builds a deep relationship with an octopus.


Craig Foster, who stars in the documentary spent a year of his life, every-single-day, diving off the coast of South Africa where he grew up and now lives with his family. Rain or shine, storm or calm, Foster would spend hours a day in the water, observing and interacting with the octopus.


Over the course of time, the two grow attached. The octopus who never is named, eventually warms up to Foster. She leaves her den and follows him to the surface, holding onto his hand. What started as a curious fascination began to morph into a relationship of real trust and comfort. I mean, he did show up day after day, for over a year. Incredible really. Simps levels unachievable by mortals.



She started to show him things, things people had never seen before.


First contact.


At one point she loses an arm to a shark and Craig is so over come with grief, being he may have caused the attack - she was out swimming with him and a shark approached, he felt bad intervening (lol) and was she able to squeeze under a rock and survive. And while she recovered Craig could do nothing but sit by and watch.


What started out as a documentary about "finding passion for the world around you," eventually became a statment on interspecies codependence and what it means to enter another 'reality' with totally disrupting the equilibrium. It's all very deep we know.


Exactly how deep is it though? Because Craig a documentarian himself and conservationist, knew exactly what it meant to spend a year and some change of his life in the water, day after day. Could he have hoped to make a legit friend? Or teacher? Probably not, but I suspect he went in hoping maybe, at the bare minimum he'd get something to blow him. So sorry Craig I'm not buying it. Go spend time with your son bro. And I'm not the only one who though this.


Craig multiple times says some sus shit while longing looking into the ocean. Thinking about the octopus.



And in typical meme fashion the collective brain was quick the memes.




I, I don't know what to say. Maybe I'm cursed and can no longer enjoy anything, or is there a tint of tentacle porn here. Am I the only one seeing this, no, of course not, but seriously what is going on?


Don't just take my word for it. Go and see it for yourself. It's not all bad, there are some spectacular moments and if you love ocean life documentaries the first hour is really beautiful. As far as 'My Octopus Teacher', being Tentacle Porn, there is an argument for it yes, but that's not something I can speak on I don't know anything about such things.







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