
Male Karen Loses Reserved Parking Spot After Petty Neighbor Upgrades Parking Pass

Oh you think this parking spot belongs to you? Well, not anymore. This is the story of how a slight misunderstanding spiraled into a dedicated attempt to piss off a male Karen who thought they were entitled to a parking spot.

The Redditor who shared this story was accosted after using a reserved parking spot to help back into an unreserved spot in the parking lot of his apartment building. The parking spot in questions was one of several parking spots dedicated for tenants with "reserved parking passes." And after watching his rude neighbor park, he concocted a plan. He would upgrade his pass and take the spot his Karen neighbor coveted.

If you people are taking notes, this is how you enact petty revenge. You play by the rules and you beat them at their own game. Check and mate.

If you like stories about Petty Revenge then check out the SubReddit for more epic stories of own-age.

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