
25 Movies Both Disturbing and Beautiful

Sometimes, we watch beautiful movies that move us. Other times, we watch disturbing ones that horrify us.

But what if you're in the mood for both? We've rounded up the definitive list of movies that are both completely disturbing and amazingly beautiful.


Empire of the Sun. This movie wrecked me as a kid (I was about the same age as the protagonist). Went back and watched it as a father, wrecked me again. That ending is an absolute gut shot.-u/Spodson


Das Boot. It does not hold back or make war look glamorous.-u/12inch_Juicy_Burrito


The original Let the Right One In. Something about it was so eerie and creepy yet peaceful.-u/happy_happosai2



Watership Down. Beautiful artwork. Graphic imagery. My childhood was never the same.-u/ACalcifiedHeart


I will say City of God. A beautiful film, but really disturbing at points with how matter of fact the violence is.-u/eldest_gruff


Perfect BlueI watched it because I heard that it was Aronofsky's inspiration for Black Swan (also beautiful yet disturbing). Black Swan doesn't hold a candle to this mindf*ck.-u/mossadspydolphin


We Need To Talk About Kevin. You know if you’ve seen it.-u/MinionBanana37


Pan's Labyrinth is beautiful, gruesome, and heartbreaking.-u/mattad0rk


Fargo. Incredibly violent, but very intriguingly wholesome in a way that captures everyday humanity at its best and worst. And the show is even better for all the same reasons.-u/Mindmender



Grave of Fireflies My husband lends this to everyone who will take it because it hit him so hard. He wants everyone to get dragged over a mile of glass by the heart, too, I guess.-u/kahiau26


Requiem for a Dream. I was just at the beginning of my decade-long heroin addiction when I watched it. F*cked me up. But apparently not enough. I have never been able to watch it a second time. I literally felt like I was losing my mind at one point.-u/Queen-of-Elves


Schindler's List This movie is very disturbing, violent, and tragic.-u/SuvenPan


Blue Velvet Disturbing for obvious reasons and beautiful for the absolute mastery that Lynch displays in the writing and directing. The pace and tone are so tightly controlled that the movie has left me stunned with every viewing. Absolute masterwork.-u/so_sads



Dancer in the Dark. Amazing movie, but will never watch again-u/_shes_a_jar


What Dreams May Come. Yes! This movie is stunningly beautiful visually. The story is very hard and sad but very well done. Thanks for reminding me of it.-u/wubbalubbadubx2


Saving Private Ryan and not just the first 10 minutes - the whole thing is framed and filmed beautifully, particularly the death scenes.-u/Maxwyfe



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind It'll leave a hole in the heart so big that you can't watch it againAlso showcased how much of an actor Jim Carrey is, apart from being a comedian. -u/Headshot03


Upstream Color. A mind-bending movie about brain parasites, telepathy, and becoming one with nature.-u/Rexcadere


The Road. Incredibly bleak, depressing, and morbid but so beautifully made and resembles the book SO well. Easily one of my favorite movies. The way it captures the desperation and horrible things humans can do to one another but also highlights our innate instinct to push forward and survive (for better or worse). I love that movie. Definitely not a casual watch though-u/justalittlesadIguess



The Truman Show The moment where everything starts to click and he confronts his wife is golden. "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!"-u/RGX323


Swiss Army Man. It opens with Paul Dano riding Daniel Radcliffe like a jet ski propelled by his farts. Which is absurd. But it also ends with Daniel Radcliffe riding off into the sunset like a jet ski propelled by his farts. And it is beautiful.-u/These-Square8340


Jacobs Ladder I saw this in the theater, on a day pass from a mental hospital where I was being treated for BPD and PTSD. I sat and cried like a child for ten minutes while the credits rolled. F*cked. Me. Up.Still one of my all-time favorites.-u/MetaJonez



American Beauty. Ignoring all of the terrible things that Kevin Spacey did, it was an equally disturbing and good experience.-u/ruchik


Annihilation had a good mix of stunning visuals and horror elements, so I’d say that-u/calvinyl


Midsommar A film that creeped me out more after I'd finished watching it then when it was on. Great film.-u/count_crow

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