Movie Facts That Will Change The Way You See Movies Forever

In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Ferris justifies his antics by saying it's because his parents won't buy him a car. Later in the movie Ferris's mom delivers a throwaway line about the mess Ferris created having screwed up the deal and money she was going to use to buy Ferris a car. Ferris screwed himself over.

District 9 is not an apartheid allegory. It's about current sentiment toward immigrants. The film is based on the Neill Blomkamp short "Alive" (2005), for which Johannesburg residents were asked how they felt about immigrants from Zimbabwe and gave very hostile responses.

The survey crew from the movie Titanic spent their careers, millions of dollars, and flew Rose out to help them find the necklace she had in her possession the whole time, and which she threw overboard when they weren't looking.
Independence Day cut out a scene explaining that all modern human technology was reverse engineered from the crashed alien ship in Area 51. This explains why Jeff Goldblum's character could hack into an alien ship with a Macbook.
In Pinocchio there's a group of men kidnapping boys and magically turning them into donkeys. The movie ends happily after Pinocchio becomes a real boy, and everybody seems to forget that those men are still donkey-fying kidnapped children.
The moral of the movie Grease is that--in order to find true love--you have to change who you are as a person.
In the beginning of Saving Private Ryan, two German soldiers come out with their hands up, yelling to surrender. They are shot dead, and an American soldier says they were saying, "Look! I washed for supper!" They were actually speaking Czech and saying, "Please don't shoot me! I am not German, I am Czech, I didn't kill anyone! I am Czech!"
E.T. was voiced by a woman who smoked two packs per day and voiced the part in her regular speaking voice.
In Beauty and the Beast, the boy who became the beast was an 11-year-old orphan when he turned away a strange beggar woman who showed up in the middle of the night. That's why she cursed the parentless child and every member of his household.
The original script for The Matrix had the machines using human brains as processors--not power sources. This explains why Neo could manipulate things while in the matrix: His brain could interact with the code.
The plot of Home Alone is triggered when Kevin gets in an argument with his family over *spilled milk.*
In the movie Inception it seems like the top is Cob's totem, but it's not. Cob says in the movie that the totem is his wife's. He never actually grapples with knowing whether he's awake or not, and he only keeps the top as a symbol of blaming himself for his wife's death. At the end of the film, Cob's walking away from the top represents his letting go of his self-blame, and there's no question of wether or not he's awake.