
Entitled Boss Fired after Losing Company over $200K

Spoiler alert, when a company loses that much money somebody is getting canned.

How people like this become bosses and managers, I'll never know. These types of overbearing, micromanaging 'leaders' end up being detrimental not only to the company they work for but also to hard-working employees.

Enter Ron. Ron is the antagonist of this Malicious Compliance story. The stereotypical 'my way or the highway' type of boss. And it's sad because as an employee, trying to work with and/or for someone like this is nearly impossible. As you'll read, this story goes south pretty quickly.

With Ron running the show, but having little to no idea how the company actually works, his employee has no choice but to comply (maliciously.) If anything these stories prove that karma is very real.

Just a word of caution to all the bosses, managers, and leaders out there. Don't be like Ron, or soon you will be gone!

See what I did there?

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