
Texas Teen Nets Title of World's Longest Legs

Meet Maci Currin, the 19-year old Texas teen and Guiness World Record-holder for the world's longest legs who chooses to user her powers for good.


Maci Currin, 19, was awarded the title of World's Longest Legs by the Guinness World Record Books last year for her incredible legspan of about 4-foot-5 -- a leg-to-torso ratio rarely seen outside of exaggerated fashion illustration.


Her incredible leg-length contributes to her towering height, standing at a jaw-dropping 6' 10". Currin says this incredible height is "more cons than pros" in a world built for much more average people than the genetic outlier.


After starting a TikTok page to showcase her leg length as a joke, Currin chose to lean into social media as she immediately went viral. Her popularity blossomed and in no-time had amassed a following of over two million followers.



Maci chooses to stay single, though not out of a lack of options. Contrary to popular opinion, she says, many men are attracted to taller women and she gets plenty of suitors.


Maci is, unsurprisingly, the tallest person in her family by a wide margin.


Currin has chosen to leverage her newfound popularity to promote body positivity. Aside from the mechanical challenges that accompany her incredible height, she says she spent much of her childhood embarrassed by it. Most interactions with people on the street were, day-in and day-out, always people asking either how tall she was or if they could take a photo with her. She says she loves taking photos with people -- but only if they ask for permission first.


Currin has made the news again for her decision to start an OnlyFans page, which she indicates will be non-nude. She says that she simply wants to show other tall girls that they can as conventionally attractive as anybody else.


“I just want people to accept themselves for who they are and embrace their uniqueness,” she said, adding that “Through posting, I learned self-love, self-acceptance and I wanted to try to show that being tall isn’t as bad as people make it out to be.”


She says that many have reached out to her online, saying that her message helped them feel more accepting of their own unique traits and more positive about their own body image.



Along with the love comes hate, Currin says, but that it doesn't affect her anymore. “When I first started TikTok it would bother me, but as I got older I realized why should I care what random people say about me over the internet,” she said. “I’m never going to meet them, they don’t know anything about me.”


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