
Leaked Footage Shows Finland's PM Sanna Marin Partying Her Heart Out

Sanna Mirella Marin is the 36-year-old Prime Minister of Finland and the youngest PM in the world. Which means she isn't like all those old and boring Prime Ministers she shares a title with. She's young, hot as hell, and clearly into partying.

And because of this she has a target on her back and with the leaking of this footage showing her on her knees, dancing and partying with friends, this is clear.

The footage is pretty tame. she's with some friends and they're signing into the camera and doing some hip gyrations, but if you tuned into the coverage of her today you'd think she has been on a month-long bender.

Personally, I wish the leader of my country was this cool or had an appetite for partying. If anything this leak just makes her even more likable. What do you think, big deal, or overcritical?


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