
Karen Pushes Pregnant Woman Over Guacamole Dispute, Promptly Gets Arrested

The most ridiculous part might be that this lady was there as the leader of a CHURCH YOUTH GROUP! I mean... WHAT?!? Real Christian behavior there, Karen!

I never cease to be amazed by how often Bible-thumpers like this lady contradict the teachings they claim to love so dearly. I guess some folks are so rotten to the core that even God isn't enough motivation for them to treat others with grace. That's why I prefer to observe people's actions instead of being satisfied with their claims of faith (this goes for ANY religion, btw). Good people do good things, regardless of their religion or lack thereof.


handwriting - This happened to me about two years ago but a former coworker just reminded me about it and I'm pretty sure it counts as Mc. I'll try and keep it short but it is a little long. I used to be a service manager at one of the biggest locations o

Terrified of what's to come.


dream story writing - We are just wrapping up when in comes Karen 10 minutes before opening through the side door marked Employees Only with 15 preteen girls in tow. My cook recognizes her as she regularly comes in during the dinner shift and is extremely

Karen messes with pregnant woman. Karen suffers the consequences.


point - When I try to tell her again, she looks at me with what I can only describe as seething contempt and says "What part of they can get whatever they want did you not understand? I don't care what you charge me as long as I get a receipt. Don't inter

Let the consequences begin :)



Hoping that this Karen is behind bars forever.


One horrible human destroying things for everyone.


And gets what she had coming all along!


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