Rude Karen Startles Young Woman, Gets Smacked Hard
damn_nation_inc Published 06/13/2020
The world has more than its fair share of entitled, rude, demanding, and obnoxious people. Chances are you know some of them personally, or you probably have at least run into them in your life. You know the type, the world revolves around them, nothing is ever good enough, and they always deserve more.
Oh, this is just SO good. A rude Karen who clearly doesn't know how to recognize actual employees startled a young girl who reacted as most of us would when startled by a stranger. Of course, Karen tries her usual histrionics, but thankfully this guy was there to back up the girl's story.
Oh, this is just SO good. A rude Karen who clearly doesn't know how to recognize actual employees startled a young girl who reacted as most of us would when startled by a stranger. Of course, Karen tries her usual histrionics, but thankfully this guy was there to back up the girl's story.