
Justin Bieber's $330K Custom Rolls-Royce Looks Like Something From the Future

According to TMZ, the $330,000 beast you see above is a 2018 Rolls-Royce Wraith that the guys over at West Coast Customs gave a little makeover.


justin biebers custom rolls royce - Hailey Baldwin getting out of a 300K custom rolls royce

Justin and Hailey Bieber probably aren't the first celebs that come to mind when thinking about who would be most likely to own a Rolls-Royce custom that looks like the final boss of corporate cars, but here we are.


justin biebers custom rolls royce - mid size car

According to TMZ, the $330,000 beast you see above is a 2018 Rolls-Royce Wraith that the guys over at West Coast Customs gave a little makeover. In a series of posts uploaded to WCC's Instagram account, it's revealed that this particular custom was inspired by the 103EX Vision 100 concept car and, as it sounds like there were no plans to bring the custom to life, they decided to do it themselves.


justin biebers custom rolls royce - center console - 0

The concept outlined a 19.4 feet long, two-seater whip with a panoramic sunroof, half-concealed wheels, and huge grille. The IRL version has full-concealed wheels, which one would imagine is a nightmare when dealing with speed bumps or turning a corner, but perhaps these are small prices to pay for owning a car that looks like the Tesla Cybertruck's posh banker uncle.



Anyway, regardless of how much the internet is currently chatting about Bieber's new ride, it's not the wildest car he's ever owned — in fact, in comparison to some vehicles he's driven in the past, this one is pretty low-key. Remember his Christmas-wrapped Mercedes G65 AMG, for example?


Or the leopard print Audi R8 (also by West Coast Customs)?


I guess you can drive whatever you want


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