
Instagram Model Sued for Arousing a Billionaire's Dog Fires Back with Molestation Charges

Deyana Mounira claims billionaire Tony Toutouni is the one to blame for the inappropriate dog pics.


This is billionaire Tony Toutouni a self proclaimed king of Instagram, he sued Instagram model Deyana Mounira for "molesting his dog" after a video shoot.


Instagram model Deyana Mounira says she's the victim of a dog-sh*t lawsuit because she did nothing sexual to Hef, the dog, and claims a video proves Hef's owner actually sexually harassed HER.


Instagram model Deyana Mounira says she's the victim of a dog-sh*t lawsuit because she did nothing sexual to Hef, the dog, and claims a video proves Hef's owner actually sexually harassed HER.



Deyana was sued by Tony Toutouni, who owns the Russian royal terrier and claimed she sexually aroused his pooch by playing with the dog's genitals.


Deyana was sued by Tony Toutouni, who owns the Russian royal terrier and claimed she sexually aroused his pooch by playing with the dog's genitals.


The video posted on social media, by Deyana and Tony, had music over it -- but she's given press the same clip with just the natural sound, and it's very revealing.


You hear Tony say "just move your ass and let him just sniff it," and "f*ck her!" Deyana says she tried to make a joke out of it first, because she reportedly feared Tony would post it somewhere else before her.She says, "I want the entertainment industry and the public in general to be aware of people like Tony who want to use you in every way they can including, but not limited to, sexual and inappropriate acts." Tony's attorneys fire back with "Ms. Mounira was explicitly told NOT to post any videos of HEF as it reflects poorly on my client who is a public figure." Has this world gone mad?!?


She says, "I want the entertainment industry and the public in general to be aware of people like Tony who want to use you in every way they can including, but not limited to, sexual and inappropriate acts."


Tony's attorneys fire back with "Ms. Mounira was explicitly told NOT to post any videos of HEF as it reflects poorly on my client who is a public figure." Has this world gone mad?!?


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