
Wild Facts We Never Knew about Batman’s Publication History

Many were surprised at just how dark and weird 'The Batman' was. But that movie had a lot of strangeness to draw on.

In fact, the Batman comics are filled with many insane moments. Thanks to Reddit, we've collected just a few of the craziest things you never knew about the world's greatest detective.


Batman History - batman rock music - I Mean, Wasn'T There A Lot Of Great Punk Coming Out When You Were A "Punk" Is Nothing But Death...And Crime...And The Rage Of A Beast. Punk! Whak oww... Fm 102.R

Gerard Jones, writer of the often mocked and memed Batman: Fortunate Son comic, is in prison for possessing and distributing child sex abuse images. -u/Neverbody


Batman History - arkham sanitarium lovecraft - Markham Sanitarium

Arkham Asylum, an insane asylum appearing in numerous Batman/DC storylines, was taken directly from the work of H.P Lovecraft. -u/Whatcolorisamirror


Batman History - michael keaton batman

When Michael Keaton was originally announced as Batman, 50,000 fans mailed letters to Warner Bros in protest and ripped up publicity materials at comic conventions. -u/nategolon



After Batman got his junior companion Robin in 1940, its comic book sales nearly doubled, which started a rush of "kid companions" in other comic book series. -deleted user


In 2001, Stan Lee was given the opportunity to re-imagine DC's Justice League and he made Batman black, Wonder Woman Hispanic and The Flash a teenage girl. -u/KSeightyeight


Batwoman and Batgirl were originally created as love interests for Batman and Robin respectively in order to combat allegations that the duo were lovers. Batwoman was later reintroduced as Bruce Wayne's cousin and a lesbian. -u/wearekindtosnails


The Joker character in Batman myth was based on a character in 'The Man Who Laughs', a 1928 movie about a man who is disfigured with a permanent grin. The movie is based on Victor Hugo's 1869 novel of the same name, meaning that the Joker's origins are 150 years old. -u/Bluest_waters


Harley Quinn wasn't originally a comic book character. She was actually first introduced in Batman: The Animated Series and was so popular that the comic writers decided to add her into the comic universe. -u/BokChoiTV


Dr. Frederic Wertham said in his book "Seduction of the Innocent" and the Senate hearing in 1954 that the comic book industry was worse to kids than Hitler, Batman & Robin were homosexuals and Wonder Woman was a lesbian. This caused an outcry that led to the creation of the Comics Code Authority. -u/TrendWarrior101



In 1996 Marvel and DC comics created Amalgam Comics, which was the literal fusion of their two universes together, merging their characters into new ones, such as Darkclaw (Batman/Wolverine), Super Soldier (Superman/Captain America), and Iron Lantern (Green Lantern/Iron Man). -u/ledgendary


The Batman villain, Poison Ivy, was inspired by the 1844 story, "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story is about a scientist who's daughter becomes immune to poisons and poisonous to touch due to his experiments with toxic plants. -deleted user


Joker was intended to be killed off in his second appearance after his debut in Batman #1 (1940). But the decision was hastily withdrawn and Joker went on to become one of the greatest comic book villains and a pop-culture icon. -u/prahaasoldman


Batman, Superman, and several Looney Tunes character will enter the public domain between 2031 and 2034. -u/Testing_things_out



Marvel almost ended up owning DC Comics Superman, Batman & More. -u/HankPymp


Readers voted via telephone calls whether to kill or save Robin for the Batman: A Death in the Family Comic (#428 issue). Approximately 10,614 calls were received. Of those, 5271 backed Robin while 5343 voted to kill him. -u/sassysalmnder


Batman once saw through the Martian Manhunter's disguise because he connected Manhunter's then alias, Hino Rei, with his Martian heritage, i.e. the alter ego of Sailor Mars, which means he had either read, watched, or researched about Sailor Moon. -u/THE0S0PH1ST



There's a Batman's story called ''A Black and White World'' that reveals that all the Batman's stories are simply staged, and in that story, they discuss themes like bad writing, how the actors prepare themself to act, and ends in The Batman and The Joker having lunch together. -u/Ciberg122


Batman beat the Hulk in a special cross-over by throwing a can of knock-out-gas at the Hulk's head, then hitting him in the solar plexus which caused him to breathe in the gas. -u/RobotVampire


Green Arrow's Chili is the spiciest food in the DC Universe. Only Green Arrow himself and Batman can eat it without screaming in pain. -u/ZhoolFigure



Batman vs. Elmer Fudd was a one-shot crossover that pits Batman against Elmer Fudd, reimagined here as a mob hitman. -u/Hugh_Jidiot


There is an alternate timeline comics series in which Bruce Wayne is killed prompting his now insane mother to become a female Joker and his father to become a much darker and more violent Batman. -u/berylthranox4


Batman during the golden age of comics was very different from modern interpretations and he often used guns and had no problems killing people. -u/nickburrows8398



Superman gave Batman a Kryptonite ring, in case he ever went rogue or otherwise needed to be stopped. -deleted user


Nora Fries, wife of Mr. Freeze in Batman, first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series. Another one of the few characters created in the show to be later adopted in the comics. -u/restartrepeat


In Superman: At Earth's End, a batsh*t crazy comic from 1995, an elderly, bearded Superman in a post-apocalyptic wasteland uses the largest gun ever to kill twin Hitler clones and a giant Batman zombie. -u/ZimthekingofIrkens


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