
Infamous Criminals Who Are Only Ugly on the Inside

Strictly based on looks and nothing else, we can confidently say these criminals are attractive and have absolutely obsessive followers.

So we've taken it upon ourselves to collect some of the most objectively attractive humans who did some really, really terrible things.


Andrea Yates - Andrea confessed to drowning all five of her kids in a bathtub back in 2001. Her husband Rusty, subsequently threw her under the bus and re-married. So she's single!


Andria Kerchner - Kerchner was named an accomplice to murder in 2012. A Florida police officer was shot and killed by Andria's boyfriend while she was in the car.


Amber Hilberling - In 2013, Amber was accused of pushing her husband out of his apartment window sending him 25 floors down to his death. She claims it was self-defense.



Charles Schmid - AKA the Pied Piper of Tucson. No that's not Elvis Presley. That's good old Chuck Schmid. Aptly named for how friendly he was with the teens in his town. He would go on to murder three young girls. What a catch.


H.H. Holmes - The man with the immaculate mustache is known for being one of America's first documented serial killers.


Jeffrey Dahmer - Cannibal. Serial iller. Sex offender. All of that aside he was a fairly good-looking guy.


Casey Anthony - Arguably the hottest criminal on this list, Casey was arrested in 2008 and charged with the murder of her daughter Caylee. She was never convicted.


Charles Manson - The infamous cult-leader and musician had his followers murder multiple people including actress Sharon Tate. He looks much worse today than he did in these photos.


Joe Exotic - Oh Joe. Joe was arrested for a murder-for-hire attempt, as we learned in the Netflix documentary 'Tiger King.' Joe is a fun-loving party animal who isn't afraid to fall in love, again, and again.



Paul John Knowles - AKA the Casanova Killer. He claimed to have killed up to 35 people. He was named the Casanova Killer for his charm and good looks, while also idolizing criminals such as Bonnie and Clyde and Jesse James.


Lorena Bobbitt - Yikes, Lorena. If you don't know about her...welp. Just google it.


Jodi Arias - Arias stabbed her ex-boyfriend nearly 29 times and shot him in the head. She claimed self-defense. I'd let her hurt me.


Richard Ramirez - The Night Stalker. He racked up a total of 19 death sentences. He would eventually go on to die on death row. Women apparently think he's attractive.



Ted Bundy - Ted Bundy confessed to killing 30 people, but only 20 were confirmed. It's a well known fact that his good looks and charm gave him easy access to his victims.


Mechel Linehan - An ex-strip club dancer who was accused of shooting her former fiancé. She was later acquitted. Just look at those eyes.


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