Industry Secrets: 30 Things Professionals Wish Their Customers Knew
Stuff the general public does or thinks but has no clue about that drives the professionals crazy.
Published 9 months ago in Funny
There is a lot of insider info floating around out there that most people don't know or aren't aware of. Unless you have worked in a specific industry or skilled labor field, then you might never know about them.
In this list we have a collection of stuff the general public does or thinks but has no clue about that drives the professionals crazy.
Nuclear engineer here, and if you think radiation is the devil incarnate then buckle in for a quick second as I tell you that:1) No one from Fukushima died from radiation exposure. You saw pictures of the horrific devastation from the earthquake and tsunami. Flooding a nuclear plant doesn't topple buildings.2) Nuclear is one of the safest, renewable, and cleanest energy sources that exist. Second cleanest only to water (and air if you count that).3) Unless we start growing energy and picking it off the vine, oil and coal will run out in the very foreseeable future and nuclear is the way to go.4) You get more radiation from eating a banana than anyone ever did from 3 Mile Island. The most radiation I get everyday is from my morning fruit and I play with radioactive sources and crystals all day.5) Nuclear is actually really cool and by making it to the bottom of the list you're pretty cool too.2
We are not in the habit of intentionally hurting children.It makes me absolutely insane when a new parent asks, about everything, if it's safe for the baby.Guys. I'm assuming you came to the hospital because you decided it was the safest place to deliver a baby. Why not trust us once you get here?3
As someone in the movie/tv business, most people don't realize that doctoring and altering footage is really really really easy for someone with the right software. I see my old relatives falling for obviously fake footage all the time because they trust all video to be real.This problem is only going to get worse as the software gets better.4
A significant portion of active duty military personnel (in the U.S., at least) spend a majority of their time sitting at a desk doing basic administration work.I'm technically trained in my job speciality, but since I'm not exactly in a combat zone when not deployed, I spend most days at a computer answering e-mails and s**t.9
Doctors/healthcare workers use dark humour as a form of resilience not to be callous or flippant.A lot of traumatic events occur in a hospital on a daily basis. Sometimes a dark joke is the difference between breaking down emotionally or being able to compartmentalise and treat you with all our wits about us.12
As your child's teacher, I see them for 53 minutes a day for 180 days of the year. I cannot undo all of the poor habits you've taught/enabled/encourage and "make" your kid successful. I see people post on the book of faces about their child's [lousy] teacher because they won't do "x" or "y" when those things are the responsibility of the parent. Also, my contract says I work until 3. I will not call, text, or meet with you after hours because I need to have my own life separate from my work life which is really hard for parents to understand for some reason.13
As a plumber replying to my customer who just hovered over me during the whole repair:Yes, you could have done this yourself.Yes, you would have saved 100s of dollars.No, I can't come down on the price because of how simple it looked to you. We are a business and I gave you the quote before I started.20
Different artists excel at doing different styles. I work primarily in watercolor, my website and my portfolio are almost entirely watercolor pieces, and yet I regularly field requests from clients asking if I can do oil painting, mural painting, or God Forbid, tattoo them. Just yesterday I had someone ask if I'd give them a tattoo, which I have never done before, have not trained in...I try to refer people to other artists I know who work in the styles and mediums they're looking for."But you make lots of cool things!"YES. IN WATERCOLOR.21
Solving IT problems usually is done with efficient google searches, reading support articles, and checking out forums. Very little of the information I use for fixing computers was obtained organically (trial-and-error, or training, etc). IT people just google. They consider us wizards but really we just know how to search well.24
Electricity is dangerous. Yeah getting shocked by an outlet is nothing more then a quick scare when you're dry. But when you're wet it's almost certain death (a painful one at that). And when you get into some larger stuff it will literally vaporize you. If you're untrained, you should leave electrical work to the professionals.25
95% of the stuff you want to tell your lawyer before arraignment is irrelevant. I know you're scared because s**t is getting real and you're being charged with a crime, and I know you see everything going on as one big interconnected tangle that has to be straightened out once and for all, but all that happens at arraignment of any consequence is the probable cause determination and conditions of release. I'm not ignoring you, I know I only have about ten minutes I can spend with you before we go in front of the judge, but ten minutes is about twice what I'd need if we stayed on topic. All the rest of that stuff I'd be happy to take the time to carefully comb through with you in my office between now and your first pretrial.26
I need details to troubleshoot your website problems."The website isn't working, can you fix it?"What isn't working?? What page, what section of the page, what is it doing that it's not supposed to be doing, what is it supposed to be doing instead? What device, browser are you using? What were you doing before it happened? Give me *something* to work with here. Even if words aren't your forte and it's just a cell phone picture you took of your monitor, I need details. The more you give, the faster your issue will get fixed.