Important Pictures Throughout History

Archduke Franz Ferdinand with his wife on the day they were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina June 28, 1914. These assassinations were a contributing factor to the start of World War I.

A tornado that hit Carswell AFB on Sept 1, 1952 caused massive damage to most of the B-36 fleet.
Boing 707 doing a barrel roll. When the test pilot Tex Johnson was questioned about the stunt, he simply replied by saying Just selling airplanes.
Horten Ho 229 flying over Gttingen, Germany. It was the first pure flying wing powered by a jet engine. 1945.
Howard Hughes inside of the H-4 Hercules, more widely known as the Spruce Goose. At the time, it was the largest airplane ever created. Photo: LIFE.
Looks like a bad day to mow your lawn. Pictured are lineups at a gas station during the 1973 fuel shortage.
Babe Ruth shakes hands with U.S. President Warren G. Harding during a game at the Yankees Stadium. April, 1923. Ruth set career records for home runs which totalled at 714!
Einstein's office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, photographed on the day of his death, April 18, 1955.
Elisabeth "Lilo" Gloeden stands before judges, on trial for being involved in the attempt on Adolf Hitler's life, 1944.
Luftwaffe pilots playing cards during the African campaign, 1942. The plane in the background is a Me-109.
The valuable stallion Nearco is led from his personal bomb shelter on the Beech House stud farm. England, 1941.
President Richard Nixon trying to figure out how to use chopsticks while visiting in China. 1972.
USS Nautilus visiting New York in 1956. It was the world's first nuclear-powered submarine.
US Airfoce pilot watches a napalm strike hit from his cockpit. Vitenam, 1963. If you enjoyed it please rate and subscribe for more
A Grumman X-29 experimental aircraft. It was engineered to test a forward-swept wing, canard control surfaces, and other novel aircraft technologies. The aerodynamic instability of this arrangement increased agility but required the use of computerized fly-by-wire control.