
If We Evolved To Survive Car Crashes, This Is What We'd Look Like

Meet Graham, a concept created by artist Patricia Piccinini, with the hope of raising awareness of just how fragile the human body is when it comes to car crashes.


The Transport Accident Commission of Victoria, Australia has birthed this thumb-headed mutant baby-man with the hopes of raising awareness of just how fragile the human body is in a car crash. "Human bodies aren’t meant to withstand the speed and impact of crashes," the commission says.


According to the commission's website, "Graham has been designed with bodily features that might be present in humans if they had evolved to withstand the forces involved in crashes. Studies have shown that the human body can only cope with impacts at speeds people can reach on their own, unassisted by vehicles."



"Strong, hoof-like legs with added joints allow him to jump out of the way quickly in a “spring-loaded” fashion." Click here to "interact with his legs."


"Sacks, that do a similar job to that of an airbag, have been placed between each of Graham’s ribs. On impact these airbags absorb the force and reduce his forward momentum." Click here to "interact with his ribs."


"His nose is reduced and his ears are protected by the larger structure of his skull and neck. Fatty tissue has been added around protruding areas like his cheekbones to help further absorb the energy on impact." Click here to "interact with his face."


I encourage you to check out the commissions website to learn more and our disgusting new friend.

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