
Spoiled Student Gets Automatic ‘A’, So Teacher Gives Everyone Automatic ‘A'

If I were a teacher (in any capacity) I would launch myself into oncoming traffic.

But this tale from Malicious Compliance, really takes the take for me. I never thought about the bullsh*t politics about working in education. I've just always been weary of sh*tty children and tend to avoid them at all costs. As the great My Chemical Romance once said, "Teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me."

Our OP does just about everything that they can to be fair about the situation. But said student has parents who also work in administration at the school district. Game, set, match. So when the teacher takes her case to the principal's office, it's non-negotiable. Give the student an 'A' or else.

So the teacher gave the spoiled student an 'A.' That's life. But in the spirit of fairness, every other student got an 'A' as well. After all why should one spoiled student ruin it for everyone else. I'll let this heroic teacher tell the story.

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