
KFC Karen Demands to Speak to Manager, Finds Out He’s Right in Front of Her

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Another lovely tale from the goldmine that is the subreddit, Malicious Compliance

Our hero this time? A Kentucky Fried Chicken manager who doesn't have time for anyone's entitled bullsh*t.

The story begins with a woman already trying to make things difficult. She didn't want a drink with her meal. Fine. Then get ready to pay for each item individually. That's how this works, lady.

Needless to say, this woman was not pleased when the folks behind her in line ended up ordering the same thing in a combo version. And they ended up paying half the price. Which don't get me wrong, it's kind of sleezy the way that system works. But who cares, it's KFC. It's literally fast food that I'm going to sh*t out before I even get home.

I'll let the OP take the story from here. Because the end is almost too good to be true. Thoughts? Real or fake? Let us know.
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