
29 Iconic Photos of Beloved WWE Divas and GLOW Stars From Our Childhood

They're strong. They're cool, They were all of our middle school crushes. Throughout the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s, the women of WWE pushed the boundaries of wrestling. Through Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (a.k.a. GLOW) and later WWE Divas, legendary wrestlers like Chyna, Bull Nakano, Godiva, and Jacqueline proved that women could dominate the ring ... and look good while doing it. 

From the GLOW ladies' neon-tinted heyday to stills from star-studded matches, here are 29 photos of WWE Divas and GLOW stars from our childhood. 

1. “Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Los Angeles, 1988.”

2. “GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling), 1985.”

3. Mt. Fiji during GLOW’s heyday, date unknown


4. Godiva promoting a lotion, date unknown

5. “Bull Nakano vs Alundra Blaze at Summerslam 1994.”

6. Original GLOW lady Americana, date unknown

7. GLOW lady, Babe the Farmer’s Daughter, waves to the crowd, date unknown

8. Dementia swinging an axe, date unknown

9. Godiva in the ring, date unknown


10. GLOW ladies in the ring, date unknown

11. Two GLOW ladies going at it in the ring, date unknown

12. Tina Ferrari, date unknown

13. Glow ladies in the ring, date unknown


14. “At Westlemania 1985 Liberace, Hulk Hogan, Muhammad Ali, Wendi Richter, and Cindi Lauper.”

15. Tina Moretti, date unknown

16. Debra McMichael, date unknown


17. Chyna at SummerSlam, 1999

18. “WWE Hall of Famer, Jacqueline”

19. “Oh Yeah!! ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth (1991). Both of them gone way too soon…”


20. Chyna, 1999

21. Jacqueline, date unknown

22. “The Megapowers w/ Ms. Elizabeth - The 80s.”


23. “Torrie Wilson, 1990s.”

24. “Attitude Era Chyna From The WWF (1997).”

25. “Professional wrestler Elizabeth Hulette in the ring (1985).”


26. “Wendi Richter and manager Cyndi Lauper win WWF Women's Championship at ‘The Brawl to End It All’ event in 1984.”

27. “‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth and Jesse “The Body” Ventura (1983).”

28. Stephanie McMahon, date unknoen


29. Chyna with ex-wrestler and then Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura in 1999

Categories: Wow History Sports

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