
Hunter Biden's Alleged Sextape Leaked by Chinese Political Group Founded by Steve Bannon, Shows Him Smoking Crack While Getting Footjob

A video allegedly showing Hunter Biden smoking crack and getting a foot-job appeared online yesterday and were starting to think maybe politics isn't that lame after all.


Hunter BIden is without a doubt, the break out star of the 2020 Election. We had no idea how cool Joe Biden's son was until images, and now videos of his wild lifestyle have come to light. There have been accusations of corruption, which have yet to be proven, there have been pictures of him smoking in a hot tub, and asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth, to give you an idea of just some of the things out there about Hunter. But now we have the holy grail, the end all, be all of political espionage, a video of him smoking crack while getting a foot-job. No really this is not a joke. It's real and it's out there if you so wish to go digging for it.


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Hunter BIden is without a doubt the break out star of the 2020 Election. We had no idea how cool Joe Biden's son was until images and now videos of his wild lifestyle have come to light. There have been accusations of corruption, which have yet to be proven, there have been pictures of him smoking in a hot tub, and asleep with a crack pipe in his mouth, to give you a picture of just some of the things out there about Hunter. But now we have the holy grail, the end all be all of political espionage, a video of him smoking crack while getting a foot-job. Just when you think we'd seen it all.


steve bannon yacht - Swns

But the story doesn't stop there, no that would be boring. The sextape, which appeared online yesterday, but has since disappeared, included a few notes at the end, citations if you will, a message from, 'The New Federal State of China', a political group created by Steve Bannon and Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui. What's even funnier, is when Steve Bannon was arrested in August for defrauding donors of Trump's Mexican border wall, we was taken into custody while on the Lady May, a yacht owned by Guo Wengui off the coast of Connecticut.



Here are screenshots of the citations. Read into them what you will.


A quick Google search later and bingo was his name-o. But really, Hunter is a private citizen and an adult. He's not having sex with children like all the q-crazys think. So mind your own business and let the man live.

Categories: Wtf Facepalm News Politics

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