
HR Requires Employees to Clock Out before Using Restroom

Companies must really love breaking the law.


Companies must really love breaking the law.

This story comes to us from the subreddit AntiWork. Basically, the OP states that their company is now requiring all employees to clock out if they have to go to the restroom. This is illegal. The company had hesitated to move forward with the rule in the past, knowing that there would most likely be backlash.

They were correct. However, HR decided to put the rule in writing and require clocking out for every bathroom break. If not they were going to start punishing employees. Great way to keep morale up in the office. So if workers refused to clock out, HR was going to dock the time from their paycheck in order to retain the "stolen" time. This is also known as wage theft. Again super illegal.

So our OP did what any human who hates their job does in this day and age and took to Reddit. The post went viral and the internet is having an absolute field day with this one.

Tags: toilet

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