How Things Change: 55 Fascinating Before and Photos
The world is full of all kinds of interesting and talented people. However, for most of us, we don't start off as a master of our hobby, profession, etc. It takes time, patience, and practice to really reach those high-level goals. These people stuck with it and ended up making some major improvements.

“I like to draw an eyeball every few years to mark my progress, this year I’m really proud.” Both are drawings."
“Before and after a 40-pound weight loss — I can’t even begin to describe how much better I feel.”
“They told us it might be cancer, but we adopted her anyway. Turns out she was just stressed out!”
“Changed my career 1 year ago to make cookies for a living. Here are the photos at the beginning and now.”
“The chest of drawers, refreshed. It needs a little more paint on some places, but I’m pleased with it so far.”
“One year of makeup practice — there’s still room for improvement but I’m happy with how this look turned out.”
“Spoon carving progression: my first spoon is on the left, and my latest one is on the right.”
“Jo was adopted 3 months ago. I hardly recognize her in earlier pictures, and I can’t believe how fluffy she’s gotten.”
“The before and after results of cleaning and polishing an old purse of my mom’s from the ’80s!”
“My friend needed someone to fix a cake that she got from a decorator. I’m proud of my clean-up job!”
“The progression of this cocoon hanging off the side of our house is awesome. Photos taken 8 days apart.”
“My 90-year-old grandmother’s handwriting before and after her focused ultrasound essential tremor treatment”
“This is a visual of my progress in becoming a happier and healthier person with the help of therapy and the proper medication.”
“Before and after processing the Andromeda Galaxy from my backyard”“The image is processed to remove light pollution, color balance, and boost faint details. Nothing artificial is added. You could literally input the before picture into nearly any image editor and arrive at the second image. The trick is that the first image is absolutely massive, nearly half a gig large and full of faint details.”