
How A Man Got Divorced On His Birthday

An unfortunate series of events leads to a man losing his family.


It was his birthday. His wife didn't even wish him a "happy birthday" in the morning and he didn't feel like he should tell her what day it was. He was also disappointed in his daughter who was ignoring him, apparently not remembering it was his birthday as well.


He went to work where his colleagues kept talking about their weekend plans and how they are happy that it's Friday. They seemed to have forgotten it was their boss' birthday, even though he mentioned it a few weeks ago during a meeting, jokingly saying that his favorite kind of cake is chocolate.


As he furiously entered his office, his secretary said, "Happy birthday, boss!" which made him feel very special. He told her that she was his only employee who remembered, and that even his family didn't wish him a stupid "happy birthday." The secretary told him she was sorry to hear that and asked him out for lunch.



After lunch, she said that he probably shouldn't go back home yet, because it was his birthday and he should be having fun. She invited him to her apartment. They went there and she said, "Do you mind if I go into the bedroom for a minute?" "Okay," he replied.


She came out 5 minutes later with a birthday cake, his wife, his parents, his kids, his friends, and the rest of his employees all yelling, "SURPRISE!!!"


While he was waiting on the sofa naked.


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