Hot Dog Water Is The Newest Stupid Thing People Are Buying

The quest to see what kind of stupid shit people will buy if it’s presented as hip and beneficial continues with $37 hot dog water. At a festival in Vancouver, a booth popped up advertising what appeared to be a horrible accident with a Voss water bottle. The hot dog water was selling for $37 a bottle and had some interesting claims…

Intrigue continued to build around the booth, and we’re sure that some idiots actually paid for it. Whether it was for the novelty, or they truly believed the bullshit “benefits” that were listed…

After someone hit up Web-MD and a thesaurus, the resulting “benefits” left people buzzing around the wiener water.
When the creator of Hot Dog Water, Douglas Bevans, was questioned about the posted “benefits” of hot dog water, his response was a as clear as the sign. “We’ve created a recipe, having a lot of people put a lot of effort into research and a lot of people with backgrounds in science really creating the best version of Hot Dog Water that we could…”
When pressed as to what exactly attributes to the posted benefits on a scientific level, Bevans told Global News, “there’s a fair bit of it that is too science-y for me. So the protein of the Hot Dog Water helps your body uptake the water content, and the sodium and the things you’d need post-workout.” It wasn’t long until the internet began their hot dog water debate…