Hard Facts About Penises That Make Sex More Fun

Stop looking at men's feet to determine the size of his penis. Contrary to popular belief, large feet do not correlate to having a large package

Jonah Cardeli Falcon has been named the man with the largest penis in the world. The 46-year-old's penis measures 9.5 inches when flaccid and 13.5 inches when erect.

The penis is actually quite flexible when it's fornicating. The University of Stanford watched couples having sex under an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine. They discovered that during missionary position men's penises curve in the shape of a boomerang while inside a woman.
The name avocado or āhuacatl comes from the Aztec language Nahuatl. Āhuacatl literally translates to testicle.
Most men would rather have a root canal without anesthesia than to get hurt in the nether regions. Nonetheless, some men have a fetish where they love to be kicked in the balls. In fact, there are videos online instructing the best way to receive or give "ballbusting," in the most pleasurable way.
Turns out it is possible for men to bench press with their penis but it should be left for the professionals to do. Martial arts Grandmaster, Tu Jin-Sheng, has been able to tow a trailer truck and pull a WWII plane with straps wrapped around his penis.
During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, men will have a couple of erections at night, and that's totally normal. Except, some men wake up from discomfort and pain caused from the erections.
Men may think smoking makes them look tough and strong but it's actually affecting their manhood. Research reveals smoking lead to weak erections. The more a man smokes the more his libido will be negatively impacted. Hence making his erections weaker over time.
What's in the water in North Dakota? Based on the website Condomania.com, men in North Dakota buy the largest sized condoms. While customers from Mississippi are purchasing the smallest size available.
During development in utero, genitalia among boys and girls is not that different. According to urologist and author of The New Naked: the Ultimate Sex Education for Grown-Ups, Harry Fisch, M.D., explains that is the reason why both the clitoris and the penis have similar nerve endings.
Never underestimate the talent of a flaccid penis. Just because a penis looks small when dormant does not mean it will not grow big while erect. "The flaccid penis has nothing to do with size. It's just about blood flow when it is erect," explains Dr. Fisch.
Don't blame him if his penis tends to act shy in the winter time. When the temperature drops so does his penis. In fact a penis can shrink by as much as 50% from the freezing cold.
The most sensitive are in the penis is the frenulum. The frenulum is located below the foreskin or the underside of the penis. Constant stimulation in the area will make men reach orgasm.
There is no bone in the penis so it can't technically break off. Nonetheless, men can still suffer from a fracture when the erect penis is bent or forced. Those that have injured their penis recall hearing a popping or cracking sound. Getting to the ER immediately for medical attention is important as it often involves a rip in the urethra not to mention the agonizing pain. On a side note, the most dangerous sex position for a penis is the woman on top.
Men are either thinking about sex the whole day or are genius multitaskers. The average number of erections men have per day is 11. That's a lot of time focusing on sexual pleasure.