
Guy Uses Craigslist to Dump Girlfriend The Most Savage of Ways

When your girlfriend tells you 'it's the dog or me' she may not like the answer... Because it's not even a contest no woman should ever become a man and his dog. I'm not sure she was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this. This ad is one of the more witty I've seen when it comes to publicly ending a relationship. But who could say no to that face! The dog's, not hers.

Want to see another woman who scorned her man, and got what she deserved in the most incredible and well thought out ways? Then this amazing Craigslist classified is exactly what you're looking for. Or check out these near misses of fate that could have been something much more for these Craigslist lovebirds


We've all been in relationships that came at a price. One man decided to turn to craigslist after his new girlfriend told him she couldn't stand the dog and it had to go...


So he did what any of us would do... he turned to Craigslist.


But look at this beautiful doggo, who could part with man's best friend?



"Mean as hell but doesn't bite" Uh oh, I don't think this is going to go as the girlfriend had hoped...


Well played brother!

Categories: Funny Funny Pictures Ftw

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