10 Weird Entries From Guinness World Record’s 2016

The most Mentos fountains set off simultaneously was a sight to see! In November of 2014, the world record was set when this huge explosion took place. 4,334 Mentos fountains were set off at the same time creating not only a new world record, but quite a mess as well.

The world's largest dental caps. In July of 2002, this elephant had a 3 hour and 30 minute surgery to put on the world's largest dental caps to fix his cracked tusks. They are 19 inches long and weigh 28 pounds each!

Who has the biggest feet in the world? Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez, 20, of Venezuela, is the owner of the largest feet in the world of a living human being. He wears a size 26 shoe.
This guy has the most teeth in a mouth Vijay Kumar, who lives in Bangalore, India, has 37 teeth in his mouth. That's five more than the average human mouth. It's probably an added expenses for his dental insurance!
This loving couple is the tallest married couple Sun Ming (7ft 8.98 in) and his wife Xu Yan (6ft 1.74 in) combine for a total height of 13 feet 10.72 inches. The couple, who live in Beijing, are the tallest married couple in the world.
Do you know what is the most balls caught by a dog with its paws in a minute? Purin, a nine-year-old Beagle, made 14 saves in 60 seconds. That gave him the record for the most saves ever made by a dog in that time frame. Purin lives in Tokyo and there is no word yet on if he has been offered a contract with Japanese National Soccer Team.
Who wants to go to the largest hot dog cart in the world? Just head on over to Missouri and you can see this enormous hot dog cart. The largest one in the world is over nine feet wide, more than twenty feet long and it's over nine feet high. Imagine what kind of dogs they can cook up in that thing!
The world's heaviest apple. Just look at this apple! It weighs in at more than 4 pounds and is the heaviest ever in the world. It was grown on an apple farm in Japan and was picked in 2005.
Want to see the largest cowboy boots in the world? Well then you'd better head over to Texas. Surprise, surprise, right? They say everything is bigger in Texas and this is a good example. Bob Wade made this set of boots that are more than 35 feet high!
The world's longest ballpoint pen. 56 year old Acharya Makunuri Srinivasa, of Nizamabad, India, made this ballpoint pen. It's 18 feet long and is the longest in the world. Ink is sold separately!