25 Great Movie Franchises Ruined By Crappy Sequels
But some sequels are so terrible they managed to ruin the best franchises. And here is our roundup of amazing franchises ruined by crappy sequels!
Indiana Jones. Should’ve finished with the Last Crusade. They ride off into the sunset ffs.
Pacific Rim, first one was a masterpiece for what it was proposing but damn it was fun senseless action with good CGI and compelling characters
Legally Blonde was a surprise hit comedy. Legally Blonde 2 was a pandering rehash with no new ideas
Fast & Furious. It's so far away from its original concept now, it's honestly quite laughable. They are milking that cow until it's bone dry.
The Matrix. The first movie ended on the right mix of hope and badassery. Everything else failed to keep that momentum.
Super Troopers. The second one had its moments, but meh, the opening segment was so off. Could have gone without. Meanwhile, I've been watching the first one since 2006, meow. It is perfection.
Jurassic Park. They have ruined the series 4 times so far. None of the sequels understand that point of the first movie. They all just saw how much people loved the dinosaurs (rightly so) and focused on that one aspect while everything else suffered.
Dumb & Dumber. First one is a comedy classic that still holds up very well, sequel/prequels had zero qualities to totally redeem themselves.
Jaws, of course. The first one was a masterpiece. The second one was flawed but sort of saved by the continued presence of Roy Scheider (I believe as some sort of contract obligation). The rest of them were just crap.