Girl Ditches BF at Grand Canyon after Pushing Prank
zachnading Published 06/01/2022
Who is the bigger a**hole here? Because it's clear they're both at fault.
Now I'm not a relationship expert, nor am I a licensed therapist. But maybe this couple could've started there. I feel like there is such an intense leap from "My boyfriend pranked me at the Grand Canyon" to "I'm leaving him in another state without any explanation."
That being said, the author of this Reddit thread does have a point. Panic attacks aren't a laughing matter so the boyfriend could've done the mature thing and you know...NOT joked about pushing his phobia-ridden girlfriend over the edge of the Grand Canyon.
But methinks that there is more to this story than what meets the eye. How long had they been dating? Is this literally their first fight? Neither of their reactions seem legitimate for a serious couple. But I'll let the girlfriend tell her story. Who do you think is the true a**hole?
Now I'm not a relationship expert, nor am I a licensed therapist. But maybe this couple could've started there. I feel like there is such an intense leap from "My boyfriend pranked me at the Grand Canyon" to "I'm leaving him in another state without any explanation."
That being said, the author of this Reddit thread does have a point. Panic attacks aren't a laughing matter so the boyfriend could've done the mature thing and you know...NOT joked about pushing his phobia-ridden girlfriend over the edge of the Grand Canyon.
But methinks that there is more to this story than what meets the eye. How long had they been dating? Is this literally their first fight? Neither of their reactions seem legitimate for a serious couple. But I'll let the girlfriend tell her story. Who do you think is the true a**hole?