
Employees of Five Star Hotels Dish Their Dirty Resort Secrets

Just because a hotel is expensive that doesn't always mean it's well maintained or without its fair share of depravity. Oftentimes, the nicer a hotel is, the more debauchery its guests get up to. 

Don't take it from us though. Take it from people who have worked in these types of hotels. 

Every hotel has its secrets, and every employee sees what's going on even if you think they don't. Over at r/AskReddit, we found some of the wildest stories and secrets about what happens at fancy resorts and hotels. 


five star hotel secrets - - hotel body prank

It's pretty common to have a dead guest. There's a standard procedure for it and we take care of it quietly. u/Why_am_I_Here033


five star hotel secrets - leg - W.X.Xx.X.

Porn shoots. And you know those carpets and upholstery ain’t getting cleaned. u/pay-this-fool


five star hotel secrets - towel

during housekeeping, hotels use different colored cloths to wipe your drinking glasses, cutlery, toilets and sinks to avoid contamination. they just didn’t bother separating these cloths after wiping and moving to the next room. u/curry-sauce



Did valet at an upscale hotel in SF the number of times I parked luxury vehicles with drugs haphazardly/precariously stowed in obvious places always blew me away. Not surprisingly those guests were great tippers as they learned who to trust. u/lazerayfraser


We have a secret way in from the parking garage that leads to the executive offices. It’s uh. For prostitutes. u/Spindrune


$2k per night and this place has a serious rat problem. u/prof_dynamite


We know criminal enterprises have funded casinos in the past. I worked at Revel casino (now ocean) in Atlantic City before and after its opening. One thing they kept mentioning in our onboarding was that the triads were funding the casino. I thought it was super strange that these execs were just openly telling brand new hires. u/Hornet_Critical


My wife claims that the amount of people who shit in the shower far exceeds however many people you think shit in a shower. u/Mynamesrobbie


We turn a blind eye to drug dealers and prostitutes more often than you think. They hardly complain and usually pre pay huge bonds happily. Also we don't give a shit if you're having an affair. u/NotTheGary_JustGary



The amount of sex toys left behind will blow your mind. u/Mexicancandy77


I had put in my 2 weeks, and was really drunk on a day off, and made a post on FB about how Gordon Ramsay was coming and I hoped he wasn't filming Kitchen Nightmares with us. I was fired within 24 hrs, lol. I did get to cook fish tacos for him and his family though, and I heard he complimented the dinner kitchen crew directly (partially open kitchen), which is cool. u/OM3N1R


Professionals are the worst guests for partying and puking everywhere and pissing in halls and breaking things and fucking in public areas... lawyers, doctors, teachers. In that order. Whenever they had conventions, extra staff were on the next day for dealing with damage. u/poobandit88


My brother worked in an upscale hotel in Southern California. A morbidly obese guest sat on the toilet in his room, shattered it, got his femoral artery slashed by a chunk of broken toilet, bled to death, and flooded his room when the water line ruptured. My brother found out about it from the maintenance guy who found the body. Management made sure no other guest ever knew, including the guests in the room below the death scene who called for maintenance because water was running down their wall. u/UtherPenDragqueen



Some luxury hotels that cater to sports teams have standing agreements that no room service is allowed after the team departs, otherwise, the girls the athletes brought back the night before will rack up huge bills the team has to pay. u/TakeThatPlant


I used to work in accounts receivable for a couple of luxury hotels that were owned by the same LLC. We would open blocks of rooms for GENERIC SPORTS SEASON about 8 months in advance. Due to high demand these reservations had to be a two day FRI, SAT stay. Payment was made in full (450-800 depending on room type). Refunds were available only if you cancelled a month before the arrival date. When I first started in the position I discovered $63,000 worth of reservations that had been cancelled on time but were never refunded. I showed it to my manager, an absolutely incompetent woman who couldn't check in a guest if she needed to, she got back to me after discussing it with one of the owners. I can't remember how exactly she put it but I was told to just forget the matter and not to mention it to anyone. I got a $500 dollar cash Christmas bonus that year. u/Weirdassmustache


Well, I dont anymore but when I did, I was have a lot of sex with the corporate women who would be staying over or were there for Christmas parties that sort of thing. Without fail, any time I was working the after hours bar, I was getting some women sitting at the bar and chatting me up. I had sex with more 40 year old women when I was 20 than Ive had since becoming 40. Just an absolute shagfest when I was working. u/That80sguyspimp



Front desk knows all the call girls. We give them water on the way out and sometimes call them taxis. Management doesn’t like us doing it but escorts tip well. u/ColorfulClouds_


A well-known luxury hotel and resort chain keeps a database of you. They get pictures from the internet and basically stalk you to create a profile. They put what you ordered to eat, how many towels you needed, what drinks you liked, your kids' names and birthdays, address phone number. Everyone working in the hotel has access to this database and can see your information. It's not all good stuff either. We know you were an asshole to Jen while you were staying in London. u/Ch3wbacca1


Vice did a good interview with hotel staff at certain high end hotels. In one of the interviews they claimed elites would rent out the entire hotel by offering a premium, and they would essentially have group adult activities throughout the entire hotel. u/knuF



Even fancy places have to deal with bedbugs. I remember we had a unit that was infested so we closed off the entire wing on that floor and stripped the room and all adjacent rooms down to bare concrete and framing and threw away all of the furniture, carpets, drapes, etc. We blasted ozone machines in those rooms for a couple of days after stripping them out too. Our company did not fuck around with that. u/daversa

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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