
Feed Your Brain With These 13 Fascinating Facts

Random facts that'll make the time fly by.


André the Giant has successfully held the record for the most Beer consumed in a single sitting for the last 40 years. During a six-hour period back in 1976, André drank 119 standard 12 ounce brews in a pub in Pennsylvania


Cotard Delusion is a rare mental illness that makes a person believe that he is already dead and has lost all his blood and internal organs.


In classical Athens each year, the citizens could vote to banish any person who was growing too powerful and becoming a threat to democracy. The process was called “ostracism.”



There is a semi-secret, underground city in Las Vegas filled with around a thousand inhabitants.


Three men known as the Chernobyl “Suicide Squad” volunteered for a suicide mission days after the Chernobyl disaster. They waded through water underneath a leaking reactor to release the safety valves and prevent a chain reaction of nuclear explosions. They saved 50% of Europe from being wiped out.


After the Siege of Leningrad was broken, the Soviets wanted to prosecute those who had resorted to cannibalism. However, so many were accused (over two thousand) that the NKVD had to divide them into two groups; ‘corpse-eating’ and ‘person-eating’. The former were jailed, that later were shot


North Korea once kidnapped a famous South Korean film director to create Fantasy films for the North Korean Government. Kim Jong-Il was a lifelong admirer of Godzilla and together, they made a North Korean version of it called “Pulgasari”.


Jack Nicholson grew up thinking his grandmother was his mother and his mother was his sister. He was an illegitimate child, and his mother was 18 years old when she gave birth.


The Chinese were the first to invent paper money in the 7th century



In 1923, Germany’s hyperinflation was so bad that the exchange rate rose from 9 marks to 4.2 trillion marks for $1. The cost of a single loaf of bread rose to 2 trillion marks, and people used to burn money to stay warm because it was cheaper than buying wood.


Mozart’s sister, Maria Anna Mozart, was a musical genius just like her brother and sometimes received top billing over her brother when they toured as children. But once she became a marriageable age, her parents forced her to stop performing and settle down.


Prince Harry took a HIV test live on July 14, 2016 to show how easy it is. It was hailed as a “groundbreaking moment in the fight against HIV.” HIV awareness group THT has reported a 5 fold increase in the number of orders of HIV self-tests since the prince’s broadcast.


During the final months of World War II, Japan planned to use plague as a biological weapon against U.S. civilians in San Diego, California, hoping that the plague would spread as much terror to the American population. Japans surrender came only 5 weeks before the plan was to be executed

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