Famous Celebrities With Substance Abuse Problems

Celebrities struggling with substance abuse issues, that have even cost some of them their lives.
1. Macaulay Culkin, went from one of the most successful child stars ever...
2. To battling drug addiction.
3. Gary Busey, went from being nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor...
4. To cocaine overdose and motorcycle accident.
5. Jan-Michael Vincent, went from television star...
6. To battling Alcoholism and having his lower half of his right leg amputated.
7. Mike Tyson, went from undisputed heavyweight champion of the world...
8. To Alcoholism and diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
9. Axl Rose, went from lead singer of Guns N' Roses...
10. To using drugs, diagnosed with psychosis, and bipolar disorder.
11. Boy George, went from flamboyant lead singer of Culture Club...
12. To struggling with heroin addiction for many years.
13. Ozzy Osbourne, went from lead vocalist of Black Sabbath...
14. To years of heavy drug abuse.
15. Whitney Houston, went from one of the world's best-selling music artists...
16. To cocaine user, then dying from an accidental drowning.
17. Elvis, went from King of Rock and Roll...
18. To years of drug misuse, and multiple health ailments.
19. Leif Garret, went from 1970s teen idol...
20. To having plenty of drug and legal trouble.

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