
Even After the Implosion, People Would Still Get On the Submarine for Two McDoubles and a Vape

Though the United States Coast Guard confirmed that all five passengers aboard OceanGate’s Titan submersible died in a “catastrophic implosion” while attempting to visit the wreckage of the Titanic, this viral tragedy hasn’t soured everyone from wanting to visit the deep sea … well, at least if they were presented with one hell of a compelling reason to make the trip.

In the days since the vessel was first reported missing, several Twitter users took to the platform, revealing all the things that they find to be worthy of possibly imploding at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

“Me if the last vape on earth was in that sub,” quipped @alyvivianna alongside an image of a woman riding an underwater scooter. 

“Me if there were 2 McDoubles and a large fry in the submarine,” @ captioned a video of a scuba diver. @zaytanich

From LeBron James to a possibly cheating boyfriend, here are some people and things Twitter would venture into the deep for. 


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