Epic Photos That Are Truly Fascinating
Jacques is a 50 year old homeless man. He’s been living in the Paris streets for years. He’s passion is bodybuilding. So his main activity is to practice in the middle of the street. He doesn’t drink or smoke and he tries to have a specific diet to gain muscle with the money people give him.
Takanakuy, which means “when the blood is boiling” in Quechua, one of the oldest spoken dialects of Peru, is an annual celebration that gives people the chance to solve personal differences with members of their community the old fashioned way, through violence. The yearly festival, which takes place every December 25th, is an indigenous tradition that has a lot to do with family honor, reputation and distrust in the judiciary system. Takanakuy is viewed by many as the only way to put problems behind them, before New Year’s.
Forget Oregon’s Gunman. Remember the Hero Who Charged Straight at Him.30-year-old Chris Mintz, the student and Army vet who was shot at least five times while charging straight at the gunman in an effort to save others.
Kathryn Beaumont, the actress for Alice in Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland”, doing live-action reference for Disney animators
This is a letter Robin Williams wrote to the school of his child co-star, after she was expelled for missing class to film Mrs. Doubtfire.