
Entitled Owner Causes His Own Store to Shut Down After Tangle With Vendor

This entitled cafe owner from r/MaliciousCompliance was forced to face the consequences of his own words, after telling a POS, (point of sale), vendor to come and get his stuff in the middle of the day after an argument. In this example of malicious compliance, the resulting aftermath does not have the desired affect the owner was hoping for.

The initial setup for this vendor went as normal, installing everything and even going out of his way to help out with things not directly under his responsibilities. And all importantly he explained the rules of their contract. So unsurprisingly when the owner has issues outside of the vendor's control a month later, and tells him to remove his crap, this vendor has no issue going in and stripping it all cold turkey as it says he can do in the contract. It's not his fault that the owner has no backup POS plan, and suffers for it later.

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